Hyperthor FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Daylight's Hyperthor database interface.

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What is Hyperthor?

Hyperthor is a web-version of the XView program xvthor.

What licenses or programs are required to run Hyperthor?

Hyperthor requires a http server, Daylight database server (Daylight database package), and Daycgi toolkit licenses. It runs from any web browser (or at least the ones we are familiar with like Netscape and Microsoft IE).

What databases does Hyperthor display?

Hyperthor will display all databases which are accessible by local Daylight thorservers.

What is the difference between displaying the "Full datatree" or just the "Common Datatypes".

The Full datatree also includes the Daylight datatypes, such as Fingerprint or Cluster information.

Are Hyperthor pages bookmarkable?

No. However the text can be saved as HTML or the full output including the structure can be saved as a postscript file.

Why can't Hyperthor find any databases, eventhough the Daylight thorserver is running on the same machine as my http server?

The user "http" must be added to the dy_passwords file for Hyperthor to recognize Daylight databases.

If I have questions or need more information who do I call?

For technical support, send e-mail to support@daylight.com.

For license and general product information, send e-mail to info@daylight.com.