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4. Error Codes

    4. Error Codes

    This section lists the possible error codes returned from the cartridge and diagnositic actions. Postgres may return additional diagnostic information in addition to the DayCart error. Also, the database log may contain additional information.

    C$DCISCHEM-003: FAILED: License not available

    A cartridge function failed because of a license error. Check that the user has the daycart role granted to him, that the user has select privilege on the c$dcischem.license table, and that the license table has a valid cartridge license.

    C$DCISCHEM-004: Return string too long

    For reaction transform functions, the enumerated set of molecules or reactions overflowed the returned string type. To avoid this error, coerce the function to return a CLOB type by calling it with a CLOB for the first parameter (smiles).

    C$DCISCHEM-006: Can't read ptable

    The ptable is unable to be read for a conversion operation. Check for the existance and select permission on the c$dcischem.ptable table.

    C$DCISCHEM-007: Conversion failed

    The conversion function failed.

    C$DCISCHEM-021: Not a valid QUERY: %.*s

    The query string was not a valid SMARTS, SMILES, or fingerprint, as required.

    C$DCISCHEM-022: Not a valid input SMILES: %.*s

    The SMILES parameter was not parseable as a valid molecule or reaction.

    C$DCISCHEM-023: Not a valid fingerprint: %.*s

    The fingerprint parameter was not parseable as a valid molecule or reaction.


    This is a generic error. Typically, there was an Oracle error during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.


    This is a generic warning. Typically, there was an Oracle warning during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.


    This is a generic informational message. Typically, there was an Oracle informational message during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.