Daylight Toolkit Object Manual
atom - object representing an atom in a molecule
bond - object representing a bond in a molecule
column - object representing a column of data in a Merlin pool
conformation - object representing a 3-D conformation (x,y,z coordinates)
cycle - object representing a ring in a molecule
database - object representing a THOR database
datafield - a datum in a THOR Dataitem
dataitem - one set of related datafields in a THOR datatree
datatree - an object representing a THOR Datatree (TDT)
datatype - an object representing a datatype definition
depiction - object representing 2-D coordinates, atom visibilities and bond styles of a molecule or reaction
fieldtype - an object representing one datafield's type
fingerprint - object representing a fingerprint
hitlist - object representing search/sort results in a Merlin database
http - HTTP server object
integer - object representing an integer.
merserver - object representing a connection to a Merlin server
molecule - object representing a molecule
path - object representing results of a structural search
pathset - object representing a set of path objects
pattern - object describing a structural pattern
pool - object representing a Merlin database ("pool")
program - object representing an external program
reaction - object representing a reaction
real - object representing a real (floating-point) number
sequence - object holding other objects in a particular order.
server - object representing a connection to a THOR server
stream - object used to enumerate constituents of another object
string - object representing a string
substruct - object representing a substructure
transfer - HTTP transfer object
transform - object representing a generic reaction
vbind - object providing faster evaluation of a match