Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_setstringvalue - specify the string value of an object

Generic Prototype

dt_setstringvalue(dt_Handle, dt_String) => dt_Boolean

C Prototype

#include "dt_smiles.h"

dt_Boolean dt_setstringvalue(dt_Handle object, dt_Integer strlen, dt_String string)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

logical dt_f_setstringvalue(object, string)

integer*4 object
character*() string


Changes the objects string contents to the specified value. The object maintains its own copy of 'string', so the contents of 'string' need not be maintained after calling this function.

Not all objects that return a string (see dt_stringvalue(3)) allow you to set that value; in some cases the string value is derived from other properties of the object.

In the Daylight Toolkit, the term "string" refers to an array of 8-bit integers. The Toolkit assigns no special meaning to NULL, space, newline, etc. All string functions operate with explicit lengths.

For a fingerprint object, sets the bitmap. The string's length must be a power of two, and the total number of bits (string length * 8) must be less than the current maximum size (see dt_fp_setsize(3)). This function also causes the fingerprints size and bits-set properties to be set.

This function causes all streams over 'object' to be deallocated and their handles to be revoked.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the string value was successfully set, and FALSE if an error was encountered.

Related Topics

dt_alloc_string(3) dt_ascii2binary(3) dt_binary2ascii(3) dt_binary2asciilen(3) dt_stringvalue(3)