Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_setlabel1 - specify the label for an object in a depiction

Generic Prototype

dt_setlabel1(dt_Handle, dt_Handle, dt_String) => dt_Boolean

C Prototype

#include "dt_depict.h"

dt_Boolean dt_setlabel1(dt_Handle depiction, dt_Handle object, dt_String string)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

logical dt_f_setlabel1(depiction, object, string)

integer*4 depiction
integer*4 object
character*() string


Sets the first string label associated with the given object 'object' in the depiction 'depiction'. String labels may be associated with any constituent of the underlying molecule, including the molecule itself.

Return Value

Returns the success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE) of the operation.

Related Topics

dt_label1(3) dt_label2(3) dt_label1ga(3) dt_label2ga(3) dt_setlabel2(3) dt_setlabel1ga(3) dt_setlabel2ga(3)


The function takes a null-terminated string in the C language.