Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_setdbo - specify the double bond orientation for three bonds

Generic Prototype

dt_setdbo(dt_Handle, dt_Handle, dt_Handle, dt_Integer) => dt_Boolean

C Prototype

#include "dt_smiles.h"

dt_Boolean dt_setdbo(dt_Handle bond, dt_Handle bond1, dt_Handle bond2, dt_Integer dbo)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

logical dt_f_setdbo(bond, bond1, bond2, dbo)

integer*4 bond
integer*4 bond1
integer*4 bond2
integer*4 dbo


Sets the double-bond orientation between bonds 'bond1' and 'bond2'. Bond 'bond' is a double bond. Both 'bond1' and 'bond2' are single bonds attached to the atoms at each end of 'bond', one to each atom.

Valid values are DX_CHI_CIS, DX_CHI_TRANS, DX_CHI_NO_DBO. The latter indicates that the configuration is unspecified.

When implicit hydrogen atoms are bonded to one of the central atoms, one may use dt_isohydro() as surrogates for 'bond1' and/or 'bond2'.

Return Value

Returns the success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE) of the operation.

Related Topics

dt_addbond(3) dt_bond(3) dt_bondorder(3) dt_bondtype(3) dt_dbo(3) dt_setbondorder(3) dt_setbondtype(3)