Daylight v4.9 Release Date: 1 February 2008 Namedt_mod_is_on - determine whether an object may be modifiedGeneric Prototypedt_mod_is_on(dt_Handle) => dt_BooleanC Prototype#include "dt_smiles.h"dt_Boolean dt_mod_is_on(dt_Handle object) FORTRAN Prototypeinclude ''logical dt_f_mod_is_on(object) integer*4 object DescriptionTests the modify state of the object, which may be a molecule or reaction.The following functions may be applied only to molecules in the modify-on state: dt_addatom(3), dt_addbond(3), dt_addcomponent(3), dt_dealloc(3), dt_setaromatic(3), dt_setbondorder(3), dt_setbondtype(3), dt_setcharge(3), dt_setchival(3), dt_setdbo(3), dt_setimp_hcount(3), dt_setnumber(3), dt_setweight(3). The following functions may be applied only to molecules in the modify-off state: dt_arbsmiles(3), dt_arbstream(3), dt_cansmiles(3), dt_canstream(3), dt_symclass(3), dt_symorder(3). The following functions may be applied only to reactions in the modify-off state: dt_arbsmiles(3), dt_arbstream(3), dt_cansmiles(3), dt_canstream(3). Return ValueReturns TRUE if the molecule or reaction is in the modify-on state, or FALSE otherwise. For all other object types, this property is defined as FALSE.Related Topicsdt_mod_off(3) dt_mod_on(3) |