Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_mer_zapnonunique - delete redundant rows from a hitlist

Generic Prototype

dt_mer_zapnonunique(dt_Handle, dt_Handle) => dt_Integer

C Prototype

#include "dt_merlin.h"

dt_Integer dt_mer_zapnonunique(dt_Handle hitlist, dt_Handle column)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

integer*4 dt_f_mer_zapnonunique(hitlist, column)

integer*4 hitlist
integer*4 column


Deletes all rows from the hitlist for which the data in 'column' has the same value as the previous row in the hitlist.

Return Value

Returns the length of the hitlist. For all other objects, this property is defined as -2.

Related Topics

dt_mer_alloc_hitlist(3) dt_mer_clear(3) dt_mer_combinehitlists(3) dt_mer_hit2id(3) dt_mer_id2hit(3) dt_mer_invert(3) dt_mer_length(3) dt_mer_mvbottom(3) dt_mer_mvtop(3) dt_mer_native(3) dt_mer_reset(3) dt_mer_reverse(3) dt_mer_sethits(3) dt_mer_zapabove(3) dt_mer_zapbelow(3) dt_mer_zapna(3)