Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_mer_sethits - explicitly specify additional hits for a hitlist

Generic Prototype

dt_mer_sethits(dt_Handle, dt_Handle, dt_Handle) => dt_Integer

C Prototype

#include "dt_merlin.h"

dt_Integer dt_mer_sethits(dt_Handle hitlist, dt_Handle column, dt_Handle sos)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

integer*4 dt_f_mer_sethits(hitlist, column, sos)

integer*4 hitlist
integer*4 column
integer*4 sos


Sets hits in a hitlist, given a sequence of identifiers and a column. The parameter 'sos' is a sequence of string objects, each of which should contain a "$TAG<ID>|" string (see dt_mer_getroot(3)) or a SMILES string. If the first character of each string is not '$', the string is assumed to be a SMILES string.

Each identifier is added to the hitlist. The hitlist is not cleared before the additions begin.

Return Value

Returns the number of hits added to the hitlist or -1 on error.

Related Topics

dt_mer_alloc_hitlist(3) dt_mer_clear(3) dt_mer_combinehitlists(3) dt_mer_getroot(3) dt_mer_hit2id(3) dt_mer_id2hit(3) dt_mer_invert(3) dt_mer_length(3) dt_mer_mvbottom(3) dt_mer_mvtop(3) dt_mer_native(3) dt_mer_reset(3) dt_mer_reverse(3) dt_mer_zapabove(3) dt_mer_zapbelow(3) dt_mer_zapna(3) dt_mer_zapnonunique(3)