Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_getpasswords - get the passwords for a server

Generic Prototype

dt_getpasswords(dt_Handle) => dt_Handle

C Prototype

#include "dt_thor.h"

dt_Handle dt_getpasswords(dt_Handle server)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

integer*4 dt_f_getpasswords(server)

integer*4 server


Gets the current list of passwords for the server as a sequence of string objects.

There are two types of entries: users and hosts.

User entries are returned in the form "user:<name>:------" where <name> is the users name. The line of dashes masks the encrypted password. If a user has no password, the dashes will be missing.

Host entries are returned in the form "host:<hostname>" where <hostname> is the machine name of an authorized host.

The calling application is responsible for deallocating the strings and sequence (the strings are not automatically deallocated when the sequence is deallocated).

Return Value

Returns a sequence of strings. For objects other than servers, this property is defined as NULL_OB.

Related Topics

dt_database(3) dt_getdatabases(3) dt_getsearchpath(3) dt_getusers(3) dt_open(3) dt_ping(3) dt_server(3) dt_setpassword(3) dt_setsearchpath(3)