Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_fp_euclid - compute the euclidean distance between two fingerprints

Generic Prototype

dt_fp_euclid(dt_Handle, dt_Handle) => dt_Real

C Prototype

#include "dt_finger.h"

dt_Real dt_fp_euclid(dt_Handle fp1, dt_Handle fp2)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

real*4 dt_f_fp_euclid(fp1, fp2)

integer*4 fp1
integer*4 fp2


Calculates the euclidean distance between the fingerprints. The calculation is not performed if the fingerprints are not compatible (different sizes) or if the objects are not fingerprints.

Return Value

Returns the euclidean distance between two fingerprints. The eucildean distance between all other incompatible objects is defined as -1.0.

Related Topics

dt_fp_allocfp(3) dt_fp_bitcount(3) dt_fp_bitvalue(3) dt_fp_commonbitcount(3) dt_fp_fingertest(3) dt_fp_foldfp(3) dt_fp_generatefp(3) dt_fp_nbits(3) dt_fp_obitcount(3) dt_fp_obits(3) dt_fp_range(3) dt_fp_setbitvalue(3) dt_fp_setobitcount(3) dt_fp_setobits(3) dt_fp_setrange(3) dt_fp_similarity(3) dt_fp_tanimoto(3) dt_fp_tversky(3)