Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_addbond - add a bond between two atoms to a molecule

Generic Prototype

dt_addbond(dt_Handle, dt_Handle, dt_Integer) => dt_Handle

C Prototype

#include "dt_smiles.h"

dt_Handle dt_addbond(dt_Handle atom1, dt_Handle atom2, dt_Integer btype)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

integer*4 dt_f_addbond(atom1, atom2, btype)

integer*4 atom1
integer*4 atom2
integer*4 btype


Adds a bond with the type 'btype' to the molecule between 'atom1' and 'atom2'.

This may only be applied when the molecule is in modify-on state (see dt_mod_on(3)). Bonds may be removed by deallocating them (see dt_dealloc).

Return Value

Returns the handle of the new bond, or the NULL_OB if an error is detected.

Related Topics

dt_addatom(3) dt_alloc_mol(3) dt_bond(3) dt_bondorder(3) dt_bondtype(3) dt_dbo(3) dt_mod_is_on(3) dt_mod_off(3) dt_mod_on(3) dt_setbondorder(3) dt_setbondtype(3)