Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


xvmerlin - Merlin client program using XView windows interface

Unix Synopsis

xvmerlin [options] [database@server ...]


The Merlin program is designed to allow an end-user to rapidly and flexibly explore data in Thor chemical information databases. Daylight Version 4 software includes the program `xvmerlin' which is an XView implementation of Merlin for systems using MIT X-Windows displays.

This man(1) page gives information relevant to invoking the xvmerlin program. Once xvmerlin is running, use the "Help" button to view the Daylight Help Widget's "merlin" topic. It gives detailed information about the xvmerlin program.

The Merlin facility is organized in two parts: a "server" program providing a merlin service (merlinserver) and a "client" program providing a user interface (e.g. xvmerlin). The server has access to databases, and provides all searching and database-access capabilities. The Merlin server(s) are normally started when the machine is booted and left running in the background. Assuming that a Merlin server is running and available, its presence should be completely transparent to the user.

The following things are required before running xvmerlin:

a. you are working with an X-Windows display
b. your machine must be licensed for the xvmerlin program
c. merlinserver must be running on a machine accessible to you
d. merlinserver must have the desired database loaded for searching
e. if the merlin server is secured by a password, you must know it
f. if the desired database has a read password, you must know it
g. your local file system permissions allow you to run xvmerlin
h. the environment variable DY_ROOT points the Daylight directory (e.g. /usr/local/daylight/v442)
i. you have read permission for files in $DY_ROOT/etc and $DY_ROOT/help
xvmerlin has the ability to save its current state (open databases, columns, and column locations). When you use the "Quit" item of the "File" menu, one of the choices is "Yes, save state then quit". The state is saved as an option file, by default the file $HOME/.dy_merlinprofile.opt (controlled by option MERLIN_PROFILE, described below). To restore the state, your Daylight-options file ($HOME/dy_profile.opt) should contain the following line:
#include $HOME/.dy_merlinprofile.opt
The shell script "xvmerlin4d" is a convenience program for users of SGI's X Windows system using the 4dwm display. It invokes xvmerlin(1) with several important options that are useful or required on SGI systems. See xvmerlin4d(1).


Start xvmerlin, naming two other hosts where Merlin servers are running:
xvmerlin -merlin_server_list \\
"host1:merlin:sandy host2:merlin:dawn"
xvmerlin can be invoked with one or more databases. The syntax for database names is described in database(5).
xvmerlin wdi95@host
Suppose you quit xvmerlin via the "Yes, save state then quit" button. You can edit $HOME/dy_profile.dat as described above, or you can use the saved state directly like this:
xvmerlin -MERLIN_PROFILE $HOME/dy_merlinprofile.opt
Start xvmerlin and open the world drug index (WDI) database:
xvmerlin wdi95
Any option (see OPTIONS, below) can be specified in your personal options file, usually $HOME/dy_profile.opt, or on the command line, or can be set in your environment, prefixed with "DY_". For example, the following three are equivalent (these are csh(1) examples):
in $HOME/dy_profile.opt:
MERLIN_SERVER_LIST = "host1 host2"

xvmerlin -MERLIN_SERVER_LIST "host1 host2"

setenv DY_MERLIN_SERVER_LIST "host1 host2"


The xvmerlin application has a large number of configurable features; there is a correspondingly large number of options.



Do not show implicit chiral hydrogens when not necessary for illustration of stereochemistry. Default FALSE.
-DEPICT_HLEN_PCT [0.67 - 1.00]
Scalar value for shortening the length of bonds to hydrogen. The allowed range is 0.67 (67%) to 1.00 (100%). Default 1.00.
Use pre-v4.83 bond style renditions. Default FALSE.
Suppress atom labelling for chains. Default TRUE.
There is a bug caused by an interaction between XView and SGI's X-Window system using the 4dwm window manager -- pressing an XView button causes the window manager to "lock up" permanently. This option, which was originally meant to be used by developers during program debugging, prevents this "lock up". Default: automatically set for different machines (see dy_sysprofile.opt).
Initial values for the "adjust" (middle) and "select" (right) mouse buttons. Choices are:

NONE - No action (select row only).
SHOWTEXT - Show full text
SHOW2D - Show depiction
SHOW3D - Show conformation
SHOWTREE - Show TDT from Thor database
SHOWALTTREE - Show TDT from alternate THOR database

Names alternate Thor database for xvmerlin's "Show alternate datatree" button. No default.
Maximum number of columns on startup. Default is 4.
Maximum length of SMILES to depict in scrolling region (0 = no limit). Any SMILES longer than this number is shown as text. Default 80.
Preference of whether to show 2D coordinates graphically or textually. The SMILES used for the depiction depends on TDT content. Isomeric SMILES is used if 2D coordinates are within its TDT subtree, otherwise the root SMILES is used. Default: FALSE (don't depict 2D coordinates). Side Effect: If TRUE, the cell containing the SMILES will be shown with the 2D coordinates. In other words, the SMILES and 2D cells will appear identical.
Preference of whether to show SMILES using 2D coordinates. The SMILES cell affected by this option depends on TDT content. Isomeric SMILES is affected if 2D coordinates are within its TDT subtree, otherwise the root SMILES is affected. Default: FALSE (don't show SMILES using 2D coordinates).
Whether to display SMILES and Isomeric SMILES columns as pictures or text. Default is DEPICTION.
Number of columns in datatype menu (0 means "use XView default"). Default 0.
Enable "Store", "Recall", and "Exchange" features in Merlin programs. Default TRUE.
Flag to enable xvmerlin to connect to Thor server & open database. Enables "Show Datatree" and "Tautomer Search" features. Default TRUE.
Enable "Undo" feature. Default TRUE.
-MERLIN_INIT_COLS datatype_tag
Datatypes for creating initial columns. Default is two columns: "$SMI SIMILARITY".
Names the default TCP/IP service or "port" of the Thor and Merlin servers. Default: "merlin" and "thor"
Display lines per logical row in xvmerlin. Default is 4.
Invert fore/background of primary frame in xvmerlin. Default TRUE.
-MERLIN_SERVER_LIST "server [server...]"
Server(s) to search for open pools on startup (blank = local machine). See the man page server(5) for server syntax
Minimum Tanimoto similarity level considered "very high". Default R = 0.90.
Minimum Tanimoto similarity level considered "high". Default R = 0.75.
Minimum Tanimoto similarity level considered "moderate". Default R = 0.60.
Minimum Tanimoto similarity level considered "rough". Default R = 0.50.
If TRUE, show error, notes and warning messages as soon as they are available. If FALSE, the "Messages" button is un-greyed (made active) when messages are available, but the Message Widget doesn't pop-up until the "Messages" button is pushed. Default TRUE.
Ask "OK?" if hitlist-save bigger than this. Default N = 10000.
Name of default font to use for xvmerlin's "zoom frame". (The "zoom frame" is the window created by "Show Text..." and "Show Depiction" menu items.) Default -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-14-*-*-*-m-*-*-1.
Invert fore/background of the "zoom frame" in xvmerlin. (The "zoom frame" is the window created by "Show Text..." and "Show Depiction" menu items.) Default TRUE.
TRUE causes footers to be used on the windows. Suggested TRUE only for the olwm window manager (i.e. Sun computers). Use FALSE for the mwm window managers and its relatives (i.e. non-Sun computers). Default: automatically set for different machines (see dy_sysprofile.opt).
-USE_TRANSIENT_WINDOWS TRUE|FALSE Force widgets to open/close with
main window. Default: automatically set for different machines (see dy_sysprofile.opt).


Initial Depict-Widget geometry, and Depict-Widget popup-window geometry. Note that these override the Depict Widget's own options, i.e. DEPICT_FRAME_HEIGHT, etc.
Initial GRINS-Widget geometry. Note that these override the GRINS Widget's own options, i.e. GRINS_FRAME_HEIGHT, etc.
Initial location of the popup "keypad".
Initial geometry of xvmerlin's main window.
Initial location of xvmerlin's search panel.
Initial geometry of xvmerlin's trackball (3D) widget. Note that these override the Trackball Widget's own options, i.e. TRACKBALL_FRAME_HEIGHT, etc.
Initial geometry of xvmerlin's "zoomframe".
Size of frame headers and footers on X-Windows displays. Default 24.


Paper margin to get extra room for binding. Default NONE.
Bold graphic line width (shows foreground, substructure). Default NORMAL.
Printing color mode [Black|White|Color] On [Black|White]. Default BOW (Black-On-White).
Number of columns in grid of depictions. Default 3.
Font used to print data. Default Helvetica.
Font size used to print data. Default 10 (points).
Command used to delete print file. Should contain a "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: /bin/rm -f "%s" &
Directory to hold temporary print files. Default /tmp.
Command used to execute print program "%s" in foreground (synchronously). Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: /bin/sh -f "%s"
Font used to print labels. Default Helvetica-BoldOblique.
Font size used to print labels. Default 10 (points).
Normal graphic line width for depictions. Default THIN.
Basic print margins. Default NORMAL.
Paper orientation for printing. Default TALL.
Size of embedded pictures in printed output. Default 72 (points).
Command used to print then delete color PostScript file. Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: lpr -h -r -PPhaser %s &
Command used to print then delete monochrome PostScript file. Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: lpr -h -r %s &
Command used to preview PostScript file. Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: pageview -dpi 72 %s &
Number of rows in grid of depictions. Default 5.
If TRUE, display drop shadows on white-background depictions. Default TRUE.
Should SMILES be printed as text or picture? Default DEPICTION.
Title for printed output. Default NONE (no title).
Font used to print title. Default Helvetica-Bold.
Font size used to print title. Default 14.

The context options are normally set when you use the "Quit" menu item, then select the "Yes, save state then quit" button. xvmerlin can save up to eight databases and their context, using the options specified below. Note that each group of 8 options is summarized by the [1-8] notation, i.e. MERLIN_PAGE1_POOL, MERLIN_PAGE2_POOL, ..., MERLIN_PAGE8_POOL are all represented as MERLIN_PAGE[1-8]_POOL.


Names an options file for xvmerlin to read that contains a saved state (the options listed below). Default: $HOME/.dy_merlinprofile.opt
These two options provide security for a saved context. When the context is saved, the user is asked to provide a restoration password. All passwords that were required to create the original context (the servers' and databases' passwords) are encrypted using this context-restoration password. When the context is restored, the databases can be re-opened without the user having to re-enter each password. And because the passwords are encrypted, they are never stored as clear-text anywhere.
The names of the databases to be re-opened when the context is restored.
Passwords for the databases. Note that these are encrypted, and require the context-restoration password to be useful. See MERLIN_RESTORE_PASSWORD, above.
The Thor database corresponding to MERLIN_PAGE[1-8]_POOL, above.
The password for the Thor databases.
Columns to create for each of the Merlin databases. This includes the column's datatype, field number, function, and geometry.

The following options control the initial settings for the Thor Datatree (TDT) Widget.


File to show for Indirect-reference editing. Default: $DY_THORDB/irefs.tdt.
-EXCLUDE_DATATYPES "tag,[tag...]"
Initial datatypes to be excluded from display. Tags can be separated by spaces, commas, "|", or tab. Default is "NONE".
Initial datatypes to include in display. Tags can be separated by spaces, commas, "|", or tab. Default is "ALL" (include all datatypes).
Command used to print color PostScript file. Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: lpr -h %s &
Command used to print monochrome PostScript file. Should contain "%s", which is replaced by the filename. Default: lpr -h %s &
These printing options are used by the TDT widget, as well as by other parts of xvmerlin(1). They are described under "PRINTING OPTIONS", above.
Initial geometry for the TDT Widget.
A string containing one of more of SMI, ISM, or D3D, indicating the initial preference of whether to show structures and conformations graphically or textually. If the keyword is missing, they are shown textually. Default is "SMI ISM D3D" (show SMILES and Isomeric SMILES, and D3D graphically).
Initial height (in pixels) of TDT-widget drawings (depictions and conformations). Default 100.
Maximum number of pixels (in Mega-pixels) allowed to be set for the TDT_MPIXELS option. Default 8 (8 mega-pixels).
Initial number of pixels (in Mega-Pixels) for the TDT widget's scrolling region. Default is 2 mega-pixels.
TDT Widget text preferences are character flags setting boolean properties. If prefaced by "NO" they're off; else if present, they're on. The recognized strings are: FIRSTONLY SHOWEMPTY EXPANDINDIR NTUPLESUM TRUNCATE. Default: "NOFIRSTONLY NOSHOWEMPTY EXPANDINDIR NTUPLESUM NOTRUNCATE".

Return Value

xvmerlin returns status 1 if there is a problem during initialization, and returns status 0 if it exits normally.



Daylight License

programs: merlin

Related Topics

xvmerlin4d(1) xvthor(1) merlinserver(1) thorfilters(1) sthorman(1) licensing(5)

Daylight Theory Manual


See $DY_ROOT/readme-v4xx for the latest list of bugs.