EuroMUG '97 -- Agenda

7-8 October 1997
Glaxo-Wellcome, Verona, Italy

Tuesday morning, 7 October: "Overview and news"
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Overview of Daylight 4.52 Update  Jeremy Yang/DCIS
10:00 Morning coffee
10:30 Daylight Website and Newsgroup  Norah Shemetulskis/DCIS
11:15 New reaction databases and applications  Jack Delany/DCIS
12:00 (break for lunch)

Tuesday afternoon, 7 October: "User presentations"
1:30 Afternoon announcements
1:45 From structure to properties - the fast way  Johann Gasteiger/U. Erlangen
2:30 Similarity Frequency John Bradshaw/Glaxo-Wellcome
3:00 New reaction toolkit tricks  Bernd Rohde/Novartis
3:30 Afternoon coffee
4:00 1st-class SMARTS patterns  Roger Sayle/Glaxo-Wellcome
4:30 RECAP library design  Xiao Qing Lewell/Glaxo-Wellcome
5:30 Close

Wednesday morning, 8 October: "Directions and collaborations"
9:00 Welcome back, announcements
9:15 Diversity-optimized libraries  Val Gillet/U. Sheffield
9:45 Mjollnir-II  Dave Weininger/DCIS
10:15 Morning coffee
10:30 Java interfaces  Ragu Bharadwaj and Jeremy Yang/DCIS
The "stilted language" SLANG interface  Norah Shemetulskis/DCIS
11:00 ISI databases: Index Chemicus  Nikolai Kopelev/ISI
11:30 Metaphorics  Dave Weininger, et. al.
12:00 (break for lunch)

Wednesday afternoon, 8 October: "Demos, SIGs, and hands-on"
1:30 Afternoon announcements
1:45 Talk/demo:MOE  Paul Labute/CCG
2:30 SIG: Daylight Datablade  Norah Shemetulskis/DCIS
3:00 SIG: Reaction toolkit programming  Jack Delany/DCIS
3:30 SIG: Toolkit wrappers: TK/TCL, Perl, Java  all
5:30 Close