Package com.daylight

Interface Summary
Depictor Abstract base class for depiction classes which implement the drawing library interface

Class Summary
Atom Object representing an Atom
AtomBondCollection Base class for for any object for which and will return a stream of atoms and bonds, respectively.
Bond Object representing a bond
Conformation Object representing a conformation object
ConnectedAtomCollection A collection of atoms joined by bonds
Cycle Object representing a cycle
DaylightObject Base class for all Daylight Objects
DayString Object representing a Daylight string
Depiction Object representing 2-D coordinates, atom visibilities and bond styles of a molecule or reaction.
DepictionLabel Object representing a depiction label
DepictorText Object representing depictor text
Fingerprint Object representing a Daylight fingerprint
Integer Object representing an integer
Molecule Object representing a molecule
Path Object representing a path
Pattern Object representing SMARTS
Point3D Object representing a 3D point.
Reaction Object representing a reaction
Real Object representing a real number
Sequence Object representing a sequence
Set Object representing a set
Stream Object representing a Stream
Substructure Object representing a Substructure
Transform Object representing a transform
VectorBinding Object representing a vector binding