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6. Error Codes

This section lists the possible error codes returned from the cartridge and diagnositic actions. Under most error conditions Oracle will return several different error codes after a DayCart error. These usually include ORA-06512 and ORA-29400 in the error stack along with the relevant C$DCISCHEM-### error.

6.1 General Errors

C$DCISCHEM-001: Unable to Get Session MEMORY

Internal error. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-002: Debug level out of range: 0 - 9

The parameter passed to the fsetdebug() function was out of range.

C$DCISCHEM-003: FAILED: License not available

A cartridge function failed because of a license error. Check that the user has the daycart role granted to him, that the user has select privilege on the c$dcischem.license table, and that the license table has a valid cartridge license.

C$DCISCHEM-004: Return string too long

For reaction transform functions, the enumerated set of molecules or reactions overflowed the returned string type. To avoid this error, coerce the function to return a CLOB type by calling it with a CLOB for the first parameter (smiles).

C$DCISCHEM-005: License not available for Partitioning option

The available Daycart license does not include partitioning capabilities. An enterprise-level Daycart license is required..

C$DCISCHEM-006: Can't read ptable

The ptable is unable to be read for a conversion operation. Check for the existance and select permission on the c$dcischem.ptable table.

C$DCISCHEM-007: Conversion failed

The conversion function failed.

6.2 Invalid Arguments to Cartridge Functions

C$DCISCHEM-021: Not a valid QUERY: %.*s

The query string was not a valid SMARTS, SMILES, or fingerprint, as required.

C$DCISCHEM-022: Not a valid input SMILES: %.*s

The SMILES parameter was not parseable as a valid molecule or reaction.

C$DCISCHEM-023: Not a valid fingerprint: %.*s

The fingerprint parameter was not parseable as a valid molecule or reaction.

C$DCISCHEM-024: Incorrect predicate for index operator

The comparison operation is not supported for this index. For example, the predicate "contains(smiles, query) = 0" is not recognized by the index code. See the documentation for each indextype for the supported predicate forms.

C$DCISCHEM-025: Can't execute contains/isin/matches query on FP column

The comparison operation is not supported for this index. The contains(), isin(), and matches() operations are only supported for SMILES-based ddblob indexes.

6.3 Index Errors

C$DCISCHEM-031: Index name too long; maximum 27 chars

The name given for an index creation or index alter is too long. Oracle typically allows 31 character names, however since DayCart appends four characters to the name to use for it's backing data tables and indexes, DayCart indexes must have shorter names.

C$DCISCHEM-032: Backing table creation failed: %s
C$DCISCHEM-033: Backing table rename failed: %s
C$DCISCHEM-034: Backing table alter failed: %s

An operation on backing data table (name is given) failed. This may be because of permissions or because a table with that name already exists. Typically, additional messages in the error stack will help isolate this problem.

C$DCISCHEM-035: Backing index creation failed: %s
C$DCISCHEM-036: Backing index rename failed: %s

The creation of the backing data index (name is given) failed. This may be because of permissions or because an index with that name already exists. Typically, additional messages in the error stack will help isolate this problem.

C$DCISCHEM-035: Partition alter failed: (%s)

The alter index command of a range partitioned table failed. Typically, additional messages in the error stack will help isolate this problem.

6.4 Internal Index Errors

C$DCISCHEM-041: Unable to Get Session Handle

Internal error. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-042: Unable to QUERY table
C$DCISCHEM-043: Unable to Insert Row, ROWID = %s
C$DCISCHEM-044: Unable to Delete Row
C$DCISCHEM-045: Refresh number corrupt

Possibly corrupt index. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Also, drop and recreate the index. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-046: Unable to Convert Start parameter
C$DCISCHEM-047: Unable to Convert Stop parameter
C$DCISCHEM-048: Cannot Generate KEY
C$DCISCHEM-049: Cannot Set Context Value
C$DCISCHEM-050: Cannot Assign value to Self
C$DCISCHEM-051: Unable to get KEY value
C$DCISCHEM-052: Unable to get max number of rows for fetch
C$DCISCHEM-053: Unable to append DUMMY rowid
C$DCISCHEM-054: Unable to append rowid

Internal error. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-055: Query of base table failed
C$DCISCHEM-056: Fetch of base table failed

Possibly corrupt index or base table. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-057: Access of blob data failed

Possibly corrupt index. Try quitting the user session and restarting. Also, drop and recreate the index. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-058: Access of blob header failed
C$DCISCHEM-059: Blob write failed
C$DCISCHEM-060: Rebuild of index failed
C$DCISCHEM-061: Insert of index row failed
C$DCISCHEM-062: Index table access failed

Possibly corrupt index. Drop drop and recreate the index. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

C$DCISCHEM-063: Index search aborted with I/O error

This typically occurs when the client performs an abort of a ddblob-based search (with ctl-c in SQL, or killing the client process). It is a harmless side-effect of the extproc cleanup routines and can be ignored if it is indeed related to an aborted search. If not due to an aborted search, try quitting the user session and restarting. Also, drop and recreate the index. Report this problem to Daylight if it reoccurs.

6.5 Program Object Errors

C$DCISCHEM-071: Couldn't stat() program object

The program object was not found. Check that the value of "path" in the table c$dcischem.progob matches the absolute path to the desired program object.

C$DCISCHEM-072: Couldn't stat() directory

The directory which supposedly contains the program object was not found. Check that the value of "path" in the table c$dcischem.progob matches the absolute path to the desired program object.

C$DCISCHEM-073: Program object is not executable

The program object does not have executable privilege set.

C$DCISCHEM-074: Program object directory must be owned by Oracle

For security reasons, the program object must be owned by Oracle or be SUID. Check the file permissions for the program object.

C$DCISCHEM-075: Program object directory group or world writable

For security reasons, the directory containing the program object must not be group or world writable. Check the file permissions for the directory.

C$DCISCHEM-076: Access of c$dcischem.progob table failed

The table c$dcischem.progob was not readable by the current user. The user must have select privilege on the table. Check that the role daycart has been granted to the user.

C$DCISCHEM-077: Program object not found in table c$dcischem.progob

The symbolic name for the program object (the first argument to fprogob()) was not found in the c$dcischem.progob table. Every program object requires a row in the c$dcischem.progob table specifying the absolute path to the program object and any arguments to the program object. The "name" parameter must match the first argument.

C$DCISCHEM-078: dt_alloc_program() failed

The program object didn't start. Verify that the desired program object runs properly from the command line before retrying. Also, make sure that any required environment variables are set by the program object itself.

C$DCISCHEM-079: dt_alloc_program() failed for restart

The program object crashed, and Oracle wasn't able to restart it. Try quitting the user session and restarting.

C$DCISCHEM-080: Progob failed dt_converse

The program object didn't respond properly to a message from Oracle. Verify that the desired program object runs properly from the command line before retrying.

6.6 Generic Errors


This is a generic error. Typically, there was an Oracle error during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.


This is a generic warning. Typically, there was an Oracle warning during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.


This is a generic informational message. Typically, there was an Oracle informational message during a cartridge function. The error stack should provide additional information.